Category Archives: san fran

Swing Dancing in San Francisco

[youtube=] I tell people I majored in English Literature at McGill, but the truth is that for the five years I was at McGill, school was really secondary to my main passion, which was night clubbing. I threw myself into … Continue reading

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Would Make a Good Statue

On our hike past the Golden Gate Bridge we caught this boxer posing for its owner.

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Itinerary for One Week in San Francisco

Our trip itinerary was very full, but included most major San Francisco highlights. I’m recording it here for future reference and in case it’s helpful for any other family visiting the City. We were two adults and two 14-year old … Continue reading

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Back, Safe and Sound

Dawkins has been picked up, the dog has been washed, and the first load of laundry is done. what a trip, what a trip. Nine days is a great amount of time to spend in San Francisco. Our last day … Continue reading

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Chocolate and Cheese

Our trip is quickly coming to a close and it’s a pity because we’ve worked ourselves into a good rhythm, finally. Yesterday, Valentine’s Day, we let slip to the girls that Songbae had left a pre-paid tab at the great … Continue reading

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The skies are still blue, but the warm weather has passed. We got up this morning to walk Giselle and all of us were shivering in the wind. Giselle is learning city-dog ways, although I am still not exactly sure … Continue reading

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Right on Track

Well, when Chad and I set up our San Fran itinerary last week in Laguna, I never imagined that we would be following it this closely. But I’d forgotten that Chad is happiest when things go according to plan. Yesterday … Continue reading

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Five by Nine by Seven

The standard prison cell for a general population prisoner at Alcatraz. It seems inhumane to have built a maximum-security prison within view of the San Francisco peninsula. In fact, it’s something that most of the former inmates who are interviewed … Continue reading

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Satisfied Tourist

Today was an extremely satisfying day – especially after all of yesterday’s mishaps. The girls were perkier, Songbae caught his re-scheduled flight to Bangkok, and the weather has been absolutely spectacular. Very lucky for us, as Songbae told us that … Continue reading

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OC to SF by Car

So far nothing has quite gone according to plan, but all of us are slowly shifting into a more flexible traveling mode. The trip up Friday (last night) went surprisingly well considering we were driving through and out LA between … Continue reading

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