Category Archives: desert creatures

Two Things About Joshua Tree

I wish I were going to say, “Joshua Trees and burrowing owls” but I’m going to have to go with SWAMP COOLERS AND HULA HOES. Two things I never think about until I’m here and hula hoe-ing the whole damn … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Holden, desert, desert creatures | 4 Comments

Joshua Tree National Park

We’re headed out to Joshua Tree this Sunday for two nights of camping and getting ready made me think fondly back to our last camping trip there early this last summer to celebrate my mother-in-law’s retirement. The National Park is … Continue reading

Posted in camping, desert creatures, SoCal attractions | 1 Comment

Christian's First Encounter with a Wild Tortoise

[youtube=] [youtube=]

Posted in Christian Holden, desert creatures | Leave a comment

Macho Ram

Saturday’s hike to Willow Hole was highlighted by a magical Bighorn Sheep sighting that I have completely neglected to mention. There were five of us in the Toyota Corolla, comfortably crammed and gently jostled by the short dirt ride to … Continue reading

Posted in desert creatures, hiking | 1 Comment

New Blog Alert

Corrina just moved her myspace blog to wordpress and you can check out her first post about seeing bighorn sheep for the first time in the wild here. How cool – there are pictures too. I, myself, have never, ever … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, desert creatures | Leave a comment

That's a big one

One of the upsides of living in the desert is coming across these babies: gigantic tumbleweeds roaming the town ruthlessly leaning up against any post in their way.

Posted in desert, desert creatures | Leave a comment

thrasher sighting

I just heard a commotion in front of my office window – sounded like a small boy angrily kicking leaves around – and when I opened the shades to peek, it was a energetic bird with an incongruously long bill … Continue reading

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tarantula sighting

While I was in labor with Bella thirteen years ago I saw my first wild tarantula. Most likely it was a male in search for a female – and now I have come to associate the approach of Bella’s birthday … Continue reading

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little lilly

Tonight I had dinner with my very pregnant friend Krista and then we watched about an hour of Bella’s birth – one hour of the some 36 hours I was in labor almost thirteen years ago. For Bella’s first birthday … Continue reading

Posted in desert creatures, mothering | 3 Comments

baby scorpion

Look at what I found in my bathroom tonight.   Just a very little guy, but acting very tough. I took another photo by a pen for scale. I shooed him into an empty yogurt container. I guess I’ll keep … Continue reading

Posted in desert creatures | 4 Comments