Category Archives: job hunting

More Progress Towards Sumthin'

I had a moment of panic, or a couple weeks of contained crescendo-ing panic to be more accurate, when I did not hear back from about more writing work. I sent an email asking whether more work would soon … Continue reading

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Ooooh. I’m torn between posts – actually between a post and a page. I know I need to encapsulate the notes from the last Money Talk as soon as possible (because I was a lazy note-taker and I have a … Continue reading

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Jeannie Lee, Freelance Writer

After dozens and dozens and dozens of job applications, I finally got a reply. A genuine, honest-to-goodness reply: “Hi Jeannie Lee Neeet name, you have, Miss Lee.Nice Web Page also…. This is a small time Pet Publication. I have people … Continue reading

Posted in job hunting | 4 Comments

I'm not feeling defensive about being at home…

Strangely, Monday still feels like Monday when I am “not working,” because dang it, looking for work is an odious job – practically as bad as working; I’m under-appreciated by prospective employers (ahem, ignored might be a better word) and … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, job hunting | 7 Comments


There is something really wonderful about the limbo of being jobless. And that is vast amounts of Golden Time. For the last fourteen years I have been a mother. And being a mother means not having very much time to … Continue reading

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A Certain Antipathy

These days it’s been hard to conjure up the time and energy to post daily. I don’t know if just because I am so busy, or because of my conversation with my brother’s friend, Jimmy. Jimmy used to be a … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, job hunting | 2 Comments

typical job interview schedule in academia

Songbae’s girlfriend has her Ph.D. and is in the process of looking for a job. Anybody need an ethnomusicologist? Here is her recent job interview schedule (it’s scary to think about having to teach a class in front of your … Continue reading

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