Category Archives: organization

Optimistic Opportunist

My siblings arrive for a visit in approximately seven weeks. I’ve decided to try and complete one large onerous organizational household task each week until then. It’s not so much that I care what they think about my house (they … Continue reading

Posted in goals, organization, organizing | 1 Comment

This is Why

I sometimes wonder if it’s worth all the effort I put into giving my stuff away – I mean, why not just hand everything over to the Salvation Army? Why bother making a zillion little piles and sending off packages … Continue reading

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Sometimes in the river of my psyche a project gets trapped by an underflow. A current of cold water drags this project deep under water and pushes it up against a log. And the project sits. and sits. While the … Continue reading

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New Yorker Catch-up Time

As a result of weeding through every pile in my office a la GTD, I now have a rather tall “TO READ” stack, consisting mainly of New Yorker magazines from when my life went into hyper-drive (last fall when I … Continue reading

Posted in organization | 3 Comments

43 folders

David Allen (yes, I’m reading Getting Things Done for a second time – so I am still very much on this GTD kick) uses a “tickler” folder system, which I have just implemented. You need 43 manila folders: 31 with … Continue reading

Posted in organization | 6 Comments

Most Mind-Numbing Chore Ever

is stopping JUNK MAIL. I waded through two months of mail,  called every single company, and asked to be taken off their mailing list. They do not make it easy. That’s what I did today, all day. I did it … Continue reading

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the worst box of misc. ever

That box labeled “OFFICE MISC.” that I opened up yesterday? The one that made me call it quits for the day? The one that turned out to be the contents of junk drawer from my classroom teacher desk from when … Continue reading

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It All Adds Up

Perhaps my office looks like this And my desk looks like this Because I can’t bear to throw away things; like this bit of cardboard packaging with three scratch-and-sniff stickers from the six-pack of body butter I bought at costco … Continue reading

Posted in organization, to-do lists | 4 Comments