Category Archives: poochie

Revised Cause of Death

This information is gruesome, but important to other dog owners. A couple days ago I received a comment on Giselle’s obituary suggesting that Giselle had died of Parvo, not by swallowing glass bits as we had suspected. Chad did a … Continue reading

Posted in moving, poochie | 1 Comment

In Fond Memory

Our cute little pup died yesterday while Chad was at work. We believe she ingested something that her body couldn’t handle, because she had had the runs for about 12 hours prior. She was in her normal sleeping position when … Continue reading

Posted in Nabi Grace, poochie | 3 Comments

Happy Howlween!


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Worm Sticks and Rabbit Poop

  Contrary to popular belief, small dogs can be trained. It does, however, take just as much work to train a small dog as a large one – even more perhaps because it is true that their brains must be … Continue reading

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Typical Night at Home

Chad looking through movies to find something we can all watch and Giselle sitting on my lap.

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Never-ending Heat

Poor, poor Giselle. I know that a dog in heat is not the same as a woman having her period, but still, I can’t help but making the analogy between the swollen body, constant need for physical reassurance, and overall … Continue reading

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These Little Bitty Dogs

Go to this link to read a short article at Yahoo news about a brave chihuahua (not Giselle, a different one).   Otherwise known as Turkey.

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Giselle with Boyfriend

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More Info on the Pet Food Recall

Another article in today’s NYTimes – this time exploring the regular use of melamine (a coal by-product) in China to fake-boost protein content in pet foods. Now it seems that up to 16,000 pets in the U.S. may have fallen … Continue reading

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In Case You Were Wondering

Giselle seems to be doing very well. See, all girls like to feel protected.

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