Category Archives: recipes

A Slight Chance of Meatballs

To change things up a bit in the kitchen, I also love to dip into an issue of Cooks Illustrated, especially now that I’ve discovered that my local library has a subscription (grrr – last two times though somebody has … Continue reading

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A Soup for a Rainy Day and a Funny Feeling in Your Throat

We love this soup. It’s simple and tasty. Plus the copious amounts of garlic and ginger make it a good comfort soup for when Bella says she has a funny feeling in her throat. It’s from my sister-in-law, Corrina: “Here … Continue reading

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Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

The way my friend Sierra responded when I tried to show her this book mirrored my own reluctance to take on yet another fad – and then my quick acceptance and now championing of the book by Jeff Hertzberg and … Continue reading

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Sharing the Love

For Oscar night I made a double layer devil’s food cake with a layer of raspberry and then smothered the whole thing in chocolate buttercream frosting. Waaaay better than angel’s food cake, in my opinion. But probably unnecessary to make … Continue reading

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Rockin' Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Between catching up with all the movies nominated for Best Picture and Christian running amuck 24/7, I’ve had very little time at my computer. (Evidence: 283 emails in my inbox…and 296 in my action folder! Let’s just hope that the … Continue reading

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The Zesty Season

Lemons abound! Not only are they in my CSA basket, all over the farmer’s market, but friends are giving us lemons from their trees. So, that means nightly lemon-honey tea (juice of one lemon, honey, and hot water), lemon squares … Continue reading

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Salmon Wellington

Bella’s made this dish four times since the end of December. It is unreasonably simple and tasty, but should be reserved for guests, not just because the puff pastry makes for a lovely presentation, but because the puff pastry is … Continue reading

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Two New Things

I’ve started off the new year with two new things: the Old Norwegian Cast-On I’ve been knitting off and on since I was a little kid (so 30+ years), and I’ve only just discovered that there are other ways to … Continue reading

Posted in crafts, recipes | 2 Comments

Soup Season

Now that the temps have finally dipped, I’ve started making a couple soups every week. Yum. Especially with stock made from my bi-weekly chicken roasts (in a pinch I use the organic chicken stock from Costco). I’m making Maya’s best … Continue reading

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The combined events of the week: craft night at Devana’s tonight and Bella’s birthday this weekend, shone favorably on the making of spanakopita, which I rarely make these days, due to the idiosyncrasies of phyllo dough. But here I am. … Continue reading

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