Watched in 2008

Here’s what I’ve watched so far in 2008 and the grades I’ve given them:

  1. There Will Be Blood (A)
  2. Back Dancers (C)
  3. The Jane Austen Club (B)
  4. Im Juli (In July) (A)
  5. 3:10 to Yuma (A)
  6. Contract Lover (F) – watched this Chinese stinkpot on the plane.
  7. Lord of the Rings (A)
  8. The Fellowship of the Ring (A)
  9. The Wire, Season Five (A) – on HBO this season. All seasons have been excellent.
  10. Across the Universe (B)
  11. There Will Be Blood (A)
  12. Semi-Pro (C+)
  13. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (A)
  14. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (A) Great series on TV
  15. Margot at the Wedding (C+)
  16. The Valley of Elah (A)
  17. Lust, Caution (B+)
  18. Battlestar Galactica, The Miniseries (A) I can’t believe that TV does stuff this good!
  19. Battlestar Galactica, Season 1 (A)
  20. Battlestar Galactica, Season 2 (A)
  21. Battlestar Galactica, Season 3 (A)
  22. Battlestar Galactica, webisodes (B)
  23. Razor (B-)
  24. Iron Man (B+)
  25. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (B)
  26. The Bank Job (B+)
  27. El Orfanato (A-)
  28. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (B-)
  29. Enchanted (B)
  30. The Savages (B-)
  31. Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (B+)
  32. Lars and the Real Girl (A-)
  33. Love, Liza (B-)
  34. The Hunting Party (B)
  35. Goya’s Ghosts (B-)
  36. Walk Hard (C+)
  37. Spaced, Season 2 (B+)
  38. Spaced, Season 1 (A-)
  39. This is England (B)
  40. The Darjeeling Limited (B+)
  41. King of Kong (B+)
  42. Son of Rambow (A)
  43. L’Appartement (B)
  44. The Fall (A-)
  45. Reprise (B+)
  46. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (B)
  47. Nim’s Island (B)
  48. Sex in The City (B)
  49. Smart People (B)
  50. Leatherheads (B-)
  51. Vantage Point (C+)
  52. Angels in America (B+)
  53. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (B)
  54. Man on Wire (A)
  55. Gran Torino (A-)
  56. Revolutionary Road (A)
  57. Let the Right One In (A)
  58. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (? Watched it in pieces)
  59. The Wrestler (A-)
  60. The Dark Knight (A)
  61. Wall-E (A)
  62. Angels in America (B+)
  63. Slumdog Millionaire (A)
  64. Sense and Sensibility (A)
  65. The Cutters (A)
  66. Ghost Town (B+)
  67. Milk (A)
  68. Australia (A)
  69. The Wrestler (A)
  70. Gran Torino (A-)
  71. Man on Wire (A)
  72. Revolutionary Road (A)

This list reflects a few (sometimes) conflicting interests:

one) My husband, Chad, is what you call movie crazy. He doesn’t just watch movies randomly, he watches every movie available that he think he, I, or my daughter will like. Sometimes he watches movies just to make sure he’s familiar with that movie. Needless to say, I am on a long movie education odyssey with him – we catch pretty much anything worth catching on the big screen and on newly-released DVD’s, plus anything he thinks I’ve missed from the American Film Institute‘s Top 100 Films of All Time. He also keeps a database of every movie he owns. ’nuff said.

two) My daughter is fourteen and I’ve done my damnedest to protect her from too much movie violence and especially the crude, sexual humor stuff. This means we sometimes watch stuff that Chad wouldn’t even deign to watch for free. So, we end up watching lots of old romances, musicals, and occasionally I break down and we watch something recent and PG-13. I know I’m uptight – but that’s my prerogative, so back off please..

three) Being that I’m Korean, and that I happen to speak French, sometimes a movie gets watched just because it’s Korean or French.

There are two movie sites I use frequently. One is the Internet Movie Database (at, simply because it has enormous amounts of information on any movie you could possibly think of. It is truly the biggest and the best. With most of the movies I write about, I include the IMDb rating. Note that IMDb ratings depend on user ratings, so it fluctuates, especially in the beginning.

The second is a parental site that actually gives movies a separate ranking 1-10 in three categories: violence, sex, and profanity. Then it also lists all the incidents in the movie that gave the movie its ranking. I don’t mind nudity or profanity as much as I mind a mindless, obnoxious crack about a woman’s ass, for instance. lets you, the parent decide how to rank the movies. Very useful.

To see a list of the movies I watched in 2007, click here. To see my Top Ten Movies of 2007, click here.

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