More Hiking

Last weekend, Chad and I drove up Modjeska Canyon near where the fires had been last year and found that the trail we wanted was closed indefinitely (The Hardy Trail). We spent a rambling bit of time strolling in the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary (run by Cal Fullerton) and then browsed in the bookstore, found another hike, and took off.

We ended up at the end of the 241 toll road and Oso at a park (Riley Park) neither of us had even known existed. There were lots of cars in the parking lot but very few people on the trail. The tall grasses and blooming sheets of yellow and purple were gorgeous and I wish my camera could have done them justice.

Shoot – you can’t even make out the purple flowers in these pics. But you do get a good feel for the open expanse. I imagined it was a little like hiking on the heath in the UK, but drier.

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