September Issue of Vogue

Wow, that issue is huge. Through the course of several meals (I’ve reverted to my habit of reading during solitary meals) I actually flipped through every single page of the 750-page fall extravangaza issue of Vogue. And, I have to say that it really wasn’t that different that flipping through my artForum magazine; fashion advertising is freaky and fun to look at.

Two notable articles:

1. I want to read Djuna Barne’s novel, Nightwood. It’s being re-issued this month with an introduction by Jeanette Winterson. It’s so out-of-print that I couldn’t find it in three library systems. Apparently, Barnes hung out with the likes of T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, e.e. cummings, Gertrude Stein and Man Ray, just to name a few of her pals. Pretty interesting article on pp 528-530, if you want to read the whole thing.

2. The photos of Kirsten Dunst from pp 650-660 are outrageously gorgeous – especially the dress by John Galliano “… of black aluminum foil covered in organza, ruched into undulating bubbles…” Even more interesting, because the photo shoot revolves around the stylistic influence of Marie Antoinette and is actually shot on location at Versailles. I’m curious to see the new film (imdb 6.7/10.0) by Sophia Coppola, even though it was boo-ed at the Cannes film festival (presumably the French don’t like Americans to make movies about them.)

I’m also interested because Sophia Coppola was married to (and subsequently divorced) a buddy from high school, Adam Spiegal, now known as Spike Jonze. We were pals, but I lost some respect for him (and myself) when I discovered that he made the exact same passes at my sister that he had made on me … and that she hadn’t fallen for them. Sigh. Boy-sharing is not an easy part of sisterhood.

Here’s a photo of my brother and his best friend Brock getting his head shaved by Adam. Hmm. Looks like I have to learn how to clip the white space off this scanned image.

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