The Turnip Story

The puppet show sometimes takes a lot of energy to pull together, but the kids love it.

Our Waldorf in the Woods summer session begins tomorrow. Our puppet show story will be The Turnip.
The Turnip
retold by David Sidwell
One fine day at the end of summer, an old grandfather went to his garden and saw that he has grown a large turnip. A very LARGE turnip. He wanted to pull it out of the ground so he could eat it for supper, so he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull out the turnip.
He called out to his wife, “Wife! Come help me pull out this turnip!” She came over and grabbed him by the waist, and they both pulled and pulled, but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
So the wife called for her son: “Son! Come help us pull out this turnip!” He came right over, grabbed her by the waist and the son and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
The son called out to his daughter, “Daughter! Come help us pull out this turnip!” She came on over, grabbed her father by the waist, and the daughter and the father and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
The daughter called out to her dog, “Dog! Come help us pull out this turnip!” He came over, put his paws around the daughter, and the dog and the daughter and the father and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled, but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
The dog called out to the cat, “Cat! Come help us pull out this turnip!” She came over and put her paws around the dog, and the cat and the dog and the daughter and the father and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled, but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
The cat called out to the mouse, “Mouse, Come help us pull out this turnip!” He came over and put his tiny paws around the cat, and the mouse and the cat and the dog and the daughter and the father and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled, but the turnip wouldn’t budge.
The mouse called out to the cricket, “Cricket! Come help us pull out this turnip!” She came over and put her tiny, tiny claws around the mouse, and the cricket and the mouse and the cat and the dog and the daughter and the father and the grandmother and the grandfather pulled and pulled . . . and the turnip finally came out!
It came out so fast that grandfather fell on grandmother who fell on her son who fell on her daughter who fell on the dog who fell on the cat who fell on the mouse who fell on the cricket. Then they all got up, dusted themselves off and went to the kitchen—where they cooked and ate the turnip!
It was delicious!

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