the way we were

Being careful about what Bella watches has its own rewards: I get to go back and watch tear-jerkers from the 70’s that I missed when I was actually in the 70’s.

Last night we threw in a videotape of The Way We Were (imdb 6.7/10.0) and cuddled up for the long haul. Bella is often suspicious of “old” movies, but this Streisand/Redford romantic classic has been quoted enough on Gilmore Girls that she was willing to give a try. (Bella looked at me in disbelief and stalked out of the room though, when the Jets came on the screen snapping their fingers in West Side Story … some movies you have to get in before the kid turns 13.)

I liked how the director Sydney Pollack started in the middle of the story and then did a flashback and continued the story through from there. That technique (and others) permeated the entire movie with a sense of nostalgia and longing that, well, kept me bawling. There was sense of intense longing to be able to exist today the way we once were together yesterday, but at the same time – the dawning realization that what we have today might be tomorrow’s “the way we were.” And it made me wish my boyfriend weren’t so far away!

Bella didn’t really like the movie so much – but it was worth a shot and she kept my feet warm.

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