How Many in March?

It seems I let more plastic bags into my life than I thought. At the beginning of this month, I took on Tiff’s challenge to minimize the number of plastic bags I accepted during the month of March. I normally carry canvas bags in the trunk of my car, so I didn’t think it would be a big deal to SHOW OFF and not accept any plastic bags this month – but I CAN’T DO IT! and it’s driving me crazy.

All was going well into the middle of the month. I was feeling smug and was only counting that I had accepted one measly bag, and that was a bag I had actually refused at the grocery store, only to witness the idiotic checker chuck the unused plastic bag in the garbage!

Then I walked into a local restaurant to pick up lunch for six people and realized that there was no reasonable way I could get out of accepting the two plastic bags holding all the sandwiches, salads, and soups. Same the next day when I was at the farmer’s market: I accepted one plastic bag to carry all the tzaziki and hummus I got, because I didn’t want to dribble in my canvas bags. Not such a big deal.

Today was my downfall. Chad and I ran into the market, only planning on picking up a handful of items. I brought in my new very roomy Trader Joe’s canvas bag (that a friend gave me because she says it’s impossible to remember to use it…) and started shopping. We ended up getting more that we had intended, but barring the $1.50 gigantic sale can of hominy, I still thought everything would fit.

When we got to the register, the fellow asked me if I wanted the groceries in the canvas bag. I said, “Yes please. Everything EXCEPT the gigantic can of hominy.”

He said, “Okay. Not the hominy.”

Next thing I know he is asking, “Paper or plastic for the rest, m’am?”

Resignedly I said, “Plastic.”

After I paid, I looked into the bags – I mean good grief it looked like there were tons of bags in there suddenly. I checked the ROOMY canvas bag: one can of hominy and the orange juice. Nothing else. Everything else had been put into no less than FOUR plastic bags.

Sigh. So much for showing off.

On the upside, I have been discovered (via Tiff) a cool blogsite dedicated to reducing trash. It is called “Say No to Trash,” and you can check it out here. Today he wrote about two men who have pledged to make zero impact on the planet for a year. They live in Manhatten and they are writing a book about the whole experience.

(The hominy is for making posole the next time Maya and I cook together.)

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