Must-Do-This-Weekend List or How Many Balls Can Jeannie Juggle Without Falling Down?

1. Apply for this job as associate editor at Water Garden News.

2. Apply for this job as editorial assistant at Entrepreneur Magazine (both in Irvine).

3. Create a rental flyer for my house to post at the district office and at my school site (not a single inquiry so far).

4. Cook a main course something-or-other for the Money Talk at my house Monday night.

5. Clean up house for same meeting.

6. Make a few moves forward on wedding reception food.

7. Submit a special event form to the National Park.

8. Go to yoga Saturday morning.

9. Go to the farmer’s market and get stuff for my Sunday cooking date with Maya (making gazpacho, more muffins, pesto, oatmeal cookies, and Maui Burgers).

10. Send a thank-you card to my folks (for the super-humongous gift they gave me for finishing my master’s degree). And to my brother-in-law’s folks (for hauling 20 pounds of wedding candy from Melbourne to Bangkok).

11. Party hardy at my wedding shower/bachelorette camp-out in the Park.

Note: sleep is not on this list…. My first wedding guests arrive in ONE WEEK!

One major thing has been crossed off the list. Chad and Ian found us a place to live in Laguna Niguel: 4 bed/3 bath 1,900 square foot duplex for $2600/month. Sounds fine. We’re moving in at the end of the month. Beach lifestyle, here we come.

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